Netflix’s global phenomenon, Squid Game, captivated audiences with its brutal social commentary and high-stakes children’s games. The show’s immense popularity inevitably sparked a wave of video game adaptations, both official and fan-made. While this might seem like a natural progression in today’s media landscape, the surge has ignited a debate: Is the widespread creation of Squid Game inspired games a boon for Netflix and a potential detriment to the indie game development scene? The Rise of the Squid Game Genre Even before Netflix officially entered the gaming arena with its own Squid Game title, the independent gaming community was awash with interpretations of the show’s deadly competitions. From Roblox recreations to fully fledged indie projects, developers seized the opportunity to capitalize on the trend. This rapid response demonstrates the agility and creativity of indie developers, often able to tap into cultural zeitgeists far quicker than larger studios. Fast Turnaround: Indie developers often leverage readily available game engines and assets, allowing them to produce games quickly and capitalize on trending topics. Creative Interpretations: Unburdened by corporate constraints, indie developers can explore unique gameplay mechanics and narratives inspired by the source material. Accessibility: Many indie Squid Game games are free-to-play or available…